
Stop climate change

shared value hub


Take action for a brighter future for all.

Fighting climate change through entreprenuership

Climate change effects of ever greater intensity are being observed more and more frequently in all corners of the world, threatening the prospects of sustainable development. In the new climate reality, companies that can innovate and take advantage of the low-carbon transition will be the ones that secure a sustainable future.​​​
​We help companies build great businesses by connecting them with customers, capital, experts and a community of entrepreneurs and influencers. For us, this means creating an environment where climate change entrepreneurs & innovators can focus on scaling their business.​

the goal

Through a unique model, we support climate change entrepreneurs by helping them refine their ideas and grow their enterprises while ensuring they develop impactful economically viable models.


To accelerate and commercialize transformative climate change solutions


To empower, connect, accelerate entrepreneurs who are creating solutions to climate change​.


Are you an entrepreneur interested in joining the Shared Value Hub Program? Or, do you want to lend your expertise as an experienced entrepreneur or industry expert in supporting commercialization of climate solutions? Join us

Enterprises supported
0 +
Expert Advisors
Impacted households
0 +


Building a startup can be a lonely journey. We connect entrepreneurs to world-class industry experts, globally experienced  entrepreneurs  to help them across the entire lifecycle of their business linking them with networks

1:1 go-to market support

Unlike many accelerators,  Shared Value Hub customizes every program to build a curriculum around our founders’ unique needs. through 1:1 technical support, business coaching and expert consulting.  


We help entrepreneurs evaluate various financing options, advise on execution best practices and  and the right path for your company to take in fundraising. 

lifetime support

Long after the core program, we utilise virtual advisory programs, we engage Alumni to reach   the next milestones in their business and provide constant feedback and support long after the Core Program ends


Start. Innovate. Grow.



You're one decision away from a totally different life.

helping business grow

We work in six ecosystem and climate sensitive sectors


Clean & Modern Energy

In clean energy, we support innovative and transformative  business solutions that  increase adoption of clean energy technologies, reduce greenhouse gas emissions from existing energy systems, and accelerating communities’ transition to a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable and clean energy sector


Food & Agriculture

We are building the resilience of innovative agricultural and food based enterprises . We seek and support  companies whose innovations increase local food production and decrease emissions throughout the value chain, from farm to fork.


Circular Economy

A minimal waste economy promotes job creation and a clean and sustainable ecosystem. The hub seeks and support companies that design and manufacture products in such a way that they can be used and re-used for as long as possible, maximising their value .


Water & Sanitation

From water provision, improvement of quality, and waste water management; the hub promotes enterprises with transformative solutions that would enhance the access to and quality of water that reaches vulnerable communities, without jeapodizing natural water resources, while making business sense. 


Oceans & Landscape

The maritime environment and terrestrial landscapes are continuously being degraded and their capacity to sustain ecosystems and associated services diminished. We work with enterprises offering solutions against degradation, and alternatives to degradation of the sea- and land scapes (and associated ecology).


Diversity & Inclusion

Climate change affects different groups(women, refugees, people with disability, youth) disproportionately. But women and other disadvantaged groups are not just climate victims – their actions, perspectives and leadership have the potential to drive progress on tackling climate change. 

Some of our Portfolio

Sugeco Solar Drying

This enterprise uses renewable energy to support fishermen to dry sardines using solar energy. It addresses the challenge of
seasonality brought about by climate change. Small scale fishermen are able to dry sardines even during the rainy

Carefree Hydroponics Farm Centre

The enterprise enhances food production through hydroponics and aquaponics. The innovation enhances climate resilience among small scale farmers as it enhances yearlong

Ednep Innovations Limited-

Ednep enterprise promotes organic farming by promoting
the production of organic fertilizers and organic
pesticides. This contributes to climate action by
enhancing carbon sequestration

OFSP Bakery Products

The enterprise promotes the growing and usage of
the orange fleshed sweet potato. They integrate the
sweet potato into baked products. Sweet potato 
enhance the conservation of soil and reduces soil erosion brought about by heavy rains and flooding. The enterprises also ensures that small scale sweet potato farmers also have access the right markets. 

Kamida Enterprises Limited

The enterprise enhances the production of sunflower and
also produces sunflower virgin oil. Growing of sunflower  produces potassium and phosphorus which are important components of soil. Apart from processing of sunflower virgin oil, Kamida Enterprises byproducts are used in production of soap, body lotion and animal feeds

Imale Sunshine

The enterprise involves value addition for Mango, chilli, spices and assorted fruits such as bananas and green veggies (amaranths, managu and cowpies). For value addition, the enterprise uses a solar dryer which runs on briquettes and solar.

Agrisafe Kenya Limited

This enterprise addresses climate change by promoting
bee keeping as a livelihood resilience option amongst
small holder bee keepers. Bee keepers are encouraged
to plant more trees through agroforestry and afforestation to increase bee forest areas and earn more money. Trees act like carbon sinks as they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and releases oxygen.

Aquaponics Limited

Aquaculture sensory technology measuring PH and temperature in aquaculture system providing real time data to enable farmers make informed choices

Aweright Consulting

The enterprise utilises technology to promote precision farming enabling  farmers to  increase their yield, boost productivity make informed decisions by utilizing intelligent, innovative, flexible & affordable precision farming solutions

Wisdom Energy

Wisdom Energy Hub Ltd is a for-profit, gasifier stove production which is one of the most efficient biomass stoves in the market primarily uses dry firewood, crop waste or non-carbonized briquettes and pellets as feed stock.

Dajopen Waste Management CBO

The CBO utilises community-based waste management strategy, including the collection of waste, the production of recycled items, and the training of other self-help groups and actors regarding alternative livelihood opportunities, waste management and organic farming

Green Harvest Seedlings

The Great Harvest seedlings is an Agribusiness that
plants and sells fruit tree seedlings. Type of Fruit
Seedlings Sold include Grafted Hass Avocado, Grafted Purple Passion and Tree Tomato.


A strong entrepreneurial ecosystem is Critical to the Success of Your Business. Working with an experience ecosystem engagement manager,  throughout the program, entrepreneurs will receive custom-designed guidance and recommendations for taking advantage of real-world climate change innovation knowledge from the Shared Value Hub  network.  The Network consists of  enterprises and their peers, industry experts and partners

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By 2050, Renewable energy for whole planet