Our Programs

our programmes

knowledge to change the world


awee programme

The Accelerating Women’s Empowerment in Energy (AWEE) program funded by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Energy Resources (ENR) and implemented by Winrock International seeks to support the empowerment and professional development of women currently working or seeking to work in the clean energy sectors to overcome historic gender-based marginalization, address the barriers to women’s entry, promotion, and retention, and increase women’s participation in the clean energy workforce in Kenya via small grants and dialogues.


According to the Energy and Petroleum Statistics report, by 2023, renewable sources such as hydro, wind, and solar accounted for 84.65% of the country’s total energy supply, a significant achievement compared to the global and regional averages. Additionally, Kenya ranks among the top 20 countries with the largest energy access deficits, with over 12 million citizens still lacking access to electricity. To address these issues, policy interventions are critical, particularly those targeting decent work, localization, and SMME empowerment.

The Just energy transition prioritize job creation within the renewable energy sector, ensuring that these jobs offer fair wages, safe working conditions, and opportunities for training. Decent work in the clean energy sector will not only improve livelihoods but also support the development of a skilled workforce essential for maintaining and expanding renewable energy infrastructure.


climate change and adaptation programme

The programme is designed to support startups and innovators developing solutions that address climate change through technology. These programs focus on scaling innovations that reduce carbon emissions, improve energy efficiency, promote clean energy, and foster sustainable practices. 

path to net zero youth advocacy programme


A “Path to Net Zero” advocacy program in a university setting focuses on raising awareness, fostering engagement, and driving action toward achieving net zero carbon emissions. The program is designed to empower youth to adopt sustainable practices and contribute to climate change mitigation.

foundation and focus

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human technology

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