Join Accelerator Programme

Start. Innovate. Grow.


Our programme


Pre-accelerator program early-stage Climate Change entrepreneurs that have the potential to become scalable and competitive businesses. 
Through a  12 week month virtual programme, participants create a minimum viable product, gain customer validation and accelerate their path to viability. ​Companies are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and connections needed for our growth accelerator program


Our growth accelerator is an intensive 6 month program designed for high-potential growth ventures  looking to grow and scale their business. The program seeks out sustainable pathways yielding stable profits (ROIs) and avenues for scalable growth in enterprises.
We are expecting you to engage with us and exploit our program benefits for a longer duration of time with a key focus on fundraising so that you can scale your business

Accelerating transition to climate change in six focus sectors

Potential to scale

Scalable Climate Change solution that shows growth potential

Market traction

Demonstrate that your business  is driven by market demands


Existed for 2 years or more and a dedicated full time founding team​


Innovative Business Model with positive social and  environmental impact

We are interested in cohorts to the following solution areas

Sustainable Agriculture


Circular Economy

Water & Sanitation

Oceans & Landscape

Diversity & Inclusion

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