Carefree hydroponics farm center

For: Carefree Hydroponics Farm Center is aiming at improving farming technology through the introduction of technology such as aquaponic, hydroponic and aeroponic.

Initiative Story

Carefree Hydroponics Farm Centre is aiming at creating educational centers to educate farmers on the aquaponic, hydroponic and aeroponic technologies used in farming to make it more effective and easier. With this comes the benefits inclusive of: providing job opportunities to the youth and engage the community through giving scholarship opportunities to scholars to learn about the above mentioned farming technologies. To achieve sustainability, selling basil herbs and exporting strawberries in the future will provide resources to run the project.

Budget Breakdown

  1. 6 Greenhouses - Kshs 1,200,000
  2. Aquaponic Installation - Kshs 800,000
  3. Solar Energy Power Supply - Kshs 1,000,000
  4. Pumice stones - Kshs 200,000
  5. Nutrient supplies - Kshs 100,000
  6. Land/site purchase - Kshs 2,700,000

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Comments (5)

  1. 25 Feb 2022 11:00 PM

  2. 25 Feb 2022 11:00 PM

  3. 28 May 2022 10:22 AM

  4. 28 May 2022 10:22 AM

  5. 16 Jul 2022 06:20 PM

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Ksh. 1,527,550

raised of Ksh. 6,000,000

1 supporters

Deadline: 01 Aug 2022

Impact Location: Thika, Kiambu County, Kenya

Sector: Agriculture

Initiative Manager